Friday, March 19, 2010

Love Hurts

There are so many kinds of love in this world, and lately I have been to the movie "Valentine's Day", and it really portrayed so many of them.

There is the romantic kind man, the genuine lover, who loves with no limits, no grudges, a love so pure... but he has fallen inlove with the wrong person...

There is the married man, happily married, a sexy wife, lovely kids, a nice family, but he wants more, so he fakes and lives another life with a mistress...

There is the little child, 5 grader, who is in love with his lovely teacher, the first pure childish crush... an impossible match...

There is this amazingly sexy sportsman, who dazzles all women just by his looks... but he is gay, and never had the courage to declare it... so he is living in the shadows, hiding his love to his partner...

And then there is this gorgeous lady who hates Valentine because she has been always unlucky in relationships, so she celebrates the I hate Valentine every year, only to fall in love just like that, unexpectedly, on Valentine's day...

And more, there is the mom, the US army soldier, who is flying more than 24hrs, just to spend one day with her love, with her son... one of the purest and strongest kinds of love, the motherly love...

There are more examples of love, only to prove that the list goes on and on, and it is all different, all unique, and it has the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, the joy and the hurt... It's all love...

One thing you will notice in this movie, and in all the other love movies, all the love stories, that love will always contain HURT, little hurt, a lot of hurt, devastating hurt, suicidal hurt, all sorts... Some is intentional, some is totally unintentional, some is hidden, some is accidental, some is sacrifice, and some is goodwill hurt... Just to mention a few...

So why can't we have a love that is hurt free?? Why can't love be like those amazing love stories we read or see or hear about?? Why can't we have this ideal romance?? My simple answer is because life has become so complicated and imperfect... Just like our foods, our air, our health, our education, our social systems, our health system, our politics, our laws, as well as our ethics, it is all imperfect, all polluted all stained by our mistakes and faults and defects... Love is imperfect, because our lives are imperfect... Why do we expect love to stay immune against all this... It just can't...

I am not giving you a negative look on love, and that all love hurts, and so it's better to stay away from love, and not to love at all... Absolutely not...

Love is great, love is amazing... Love is life... It's one of the most amazing things in life, it's so powerful, it's so big, it's almost the root of everything in life... We all need to love... Love our parents, love our family, love our country, love our religion, loveour hobbies, love our partners, love our work, love our kids, love love love... Love is all around us...

All I want you to consider is that love will always hurt... and we have to accept it that way, we have to love, knowing that some day we might get hurt, we must love, knowing it might not last forever, we will always love, knowing that the oddes are against us, we shall always love, knowing that love hurts...

Some forms of this hurt is called SWEET HURT or SWEET PAIN... it is part of the package... even the perfect love will contain hurt in the form of sweet hurt... those small little hurts... which are sweet :)

Have you ever noticed that the most successful romantic movies or novels always contain element of hurt, in one way or another?!?! The usual plot, boy meet girl, boy loves girl, girl loves boy, then drama, problems, complications, hurt and agony, and some miracle happens, and the couple are back together, and they live happily ever after... but it passed through a HURT phase, and probably will continue to contain hurt in the future...

Look around you, look at the mirror, look at your life, did you ever hurt someone you love?? Did you ever hurt someone but you did not mean to?? Did you ever hurt yourself, though for sure you love yourself?? Were you ever hurt because of love??

Our life is imperfect my dears... Yet we survive, we live, we are happy, we are joyful, we embrace life's pleasures, we joke and laugh, we eat and drink and dance and sing and go wild, we get married and raise families, we study, we work, we succeed, we grow, we socialize, we love and love and love... And we are happy, we are the happiest species on earth... And will continue to be this way... So little hurt will never stop us... Life goes on... Love goes on...

I have loved so much, so deeply, so devotedly, so strong, so crazy, so mad, I have loved in all sorts and kinds, but I managed to hurt almost everyone and everything I loved, and above all I have deeply hurt myself and my soul... Some say I was wrong, I was the guilty one, I was the sinner, and yes I was, I am, and maybe will always be... But I loved from the bottom of my heart, and I never ever meant any hurt... But I did, my love did hurt my beloved ones...

Sorry if I ever hurt you because of my love… I never meant to… I am truly sorry...

I love you all...